As one of the most recognizable airsoft brands from China, Jing Gong collected vast experience in the creation of cost-effective replicas. JG products are a great entry-level choice for new players and provide a good base for further modifications and tuning. The MC10 is one of the most compact SMG replicas presently on the market. It makes it a perfect choice for CQB and close-range engagements on the airsoft fields. Manufactured from metal alloys and polymers, this 295/550mm long SMG is fed from a hicap magazine. MC10 weighs around 1600g and shoots in semi and full-automatic from a 149mm long inner barrel. Elements like foldable wire stock and magazine are made from metal, with the pistol grip, body, and handguard manufactured from polymers. A dedicated detachable mock silencer adds authenticity to the replica, increasing its "70/80s vibe" aesthetics. Small dimensions make MC10 a handy tool for clearing confined spaces or as a secondary weapon for snipers in the field.