Hangar 18 offers you the following payment methods:

- ATM reference;

The information needed to make the payment through ATM is in the last stage of the purchase, after submitting your order. Afterwards you will receive an e-mail with the summary of your order as well as the data of payment by reference multibank.

The proof issued by the ATM or home banking box proves payment, keep it.


-Bank transfer;

As with the ATM option, the information required to make the payment by bank transfer appears after submitting your order. Later you will also receive an email with all the information. In this case, the order begins to process only when the transfer is complete.


- Paypal;

To use this payment option you must have a Paypal account.

Later you will also receive an email with the summary of your order.


- Against reimbursement:

The order is sent through CTT and is paid at the time of delivery. To the value of the order and the postage of shipping, the value of the rate of the service of counter-reimbursement is added. Only available in shipments to Continental Portugal.

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